In the tier list for present context, characters are judged according to how well they perform in Spiral Abyss as well as outside of it — when exploring the overworld — and based on their synergy with elements built into team. Accounts with top-tier 5-star characters such as Hu Tao, Raiden Shogun, and Kazuha will still reign supreme for the foreseeable future as of patch 4.0 because these three are among the most powerful in delivering damage (even when not fully built yet) and utility player. For example Hu Tao is still an S tier Pyro DPS and her elemental skill gives her a significant attack power boost. She has over 50k damage per charged attack so she is one that is used a lot in floor 11 where you have to clear with an overload mob.
Raiden Shogun is Electro Archon who serves as a battery and burst DPS, providing the team energy particles to fulfill their Elemental Burst needs as well as her own spammy ultimate. She does it well with fantastic energy regen, and damage quickly out, which makes her a highly popular choice amongst top tier teams thanks to the overall time she gives but I have arbitarily separated her into a kleptomaniac class. Patch updates have also brought Dendro and evened the playing field for Nahida with new strategic elements.
4 Star Xingqiu continues to be a highly valuable Hydro support for elemental reactions and frequent Hydro infusion. Both his Elemental Skill and Burst are incredible at triggering Vaporize, Frozen reactions for all kinds of teamups which is key in edge the most damage with any team. Players would generally bring Xingqiu together with Pyro characters, such as Hu Tao, in order to achieve the highest level of damage output by taking advantage of the 20-30% increased team dynamism brought about by the Vaporize reaction.
Kazuha is another top-tier Anemo support, prized for his crowd control and provides strong elemental effectiveness to the team. With his Swirl reaction which increase damage by up to about 35% across all elements, he is an irreplaceable asset in elemental reaction-based teams. Zhiqing Wan of Twinfinite, notes that Kazuha is touted as a “very nice character to have” if you’re searching on how to maximize the amount of elemental damage your team can dish out.
It’s that the spirial abyss, the game’s endgame content and also harbring of more difficult dungeons, largely dictates where any shifts in genshin impact tier list. Characters like Zhongli, who can put up an unbreakable shield and bolster teammates with support abilities, remain at the top due to his ability to act like a damage-immune sponge. His shield avoided lots of the finicky mechanics that made high-level content almost necessary for fast healing with constant output.
Players that want to min-max their teams will be checking the tier list of the current patch to see what characters are going to do most damage, support or keep themselves alive. In this article, we will be breaking down all of the best characters, tier list rankings here at genshin tier list covering character strengths and team composition.